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OPINION: The Ohio Capital Journal Is Gaslighting You

By on Apr 19, 2024

Columbus’ Ohio Capital Journal has some news: it’s your fault for noticing the border invasion. 

Voiced in the nagging, concerned intonations of a high school vice principal, the Capital Journal urgently needs Ohioans to know that noticing the floods of unvetted illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, citizens’ desire for the enforcement of U.S. law, and outrage at the crimes and strains on social services and infrastructure brought by illegal aliens could lead to violence. 

And, noticing the grave risk to U.S. security, noticing the immense sums spent on flying and pampering undocumented immigrants brought to the United States to achieve political goals, all around the country and here in Ohio, this would be your fault, Ohioan. For noticing. One must not notice the undoing of America’s social fabric, here in the Buckeye State or elsewhere. 

Whatever you do, don’t notice that every state is a border state. 

Using the tragic 2019 shooting at an El Paso Wal-Mart, the Capital Journal’s concern, is of course not for the murder committed by an illegal alien in Hamilton last month, nor the Butler County abduction and rape of a 15-year-old girl by an illegal alien who received only a 12 month sentence, or 11-year-old Aiden Clark, the boy killed on his way to school in Clark County by illegal alien Hermanio Joseph, who also injured 26 of Clark’s schoolmates in a deadly crash last year, no. 

The Capital Journal is concerned Ohioans will notice. 

Selective Memory Drives Media Narratives

Those who are tasked with reinforcing the official, polite storyline—such as the Capital Journal’s Goldman-Sachs and Wyss Foundation-backed States Newsroom, and each of the news outlets that identified Hermanio Joseph as a “Springfield man”— are gaslighting Ohio.

After editing stories from the narrative that don’t fit the narrative, the CJ pivots to guilt-tripping and blame. Because care for Ohioans doesn’t fit the narrative, the apologists for illegal immigration and open borders take their recourse to shaming you.

They trot out the usual absurd canards about immigrants’ contribution to the economy, jobs Americans allegedly won’t do, about seeking a better life (when in fact, it is military-aged males who have most commonly flooded the U.S. border, including untold numbers from China), appeal to fake experts, and so on. 

These slogans fall utterly flat in the wake of the destruction of what was once a safe, high-trust society. And so the Capital Journal must lash out. Their only recourse is to shame. And Ohioans themselves are the target.


Break Out of the Abusive Media Relationship

The first step to breaking free of an abusive relationship is memory: remembering the truth of the abusive media’s actions. 

Remarkably, the El Paso shooting occurred the exact same weekend as a mass shooting committed by a mentally-ill radical leftist at Dayton’s Ned Peppers in the city’s Oregon District. Connor Betts killed nine and left 14 others injured, but his crime didn’t fit the narrative, just like the El Paso tragedy the same weekend became a political lever to advance the correct narrative. 

We must not allow those nine Ohioans to be forgotten, nor 11-year-old Aiden Clark, nor the body of the man Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez left in a Hamilton alley, nor Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia, nor countless others.

And, we must not tolerate the concerned nagging of state and media organs that shame us for noticing them. George Orwell described this storyline to a tee in 1984: "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." 

Trust your eyes, Ohio.