
Illegal alien arrested in Hamilton for murder previously deported SEVEN times

By on Apr 04, 2024

EVERY STATE A BORDER STATE: Illegal alien arrested in Hamilton for murder previously deported SEVEN times

BUTLER COUNTY—An illegal alien who had previously been deported seven times has been arrested in connection with a body found in an alley in Hamilton on Monday. Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez had previously been deported from the US seven times and already had eleven arrests in Butler County. He now faces aggravated murder charges in connection with the homicide. 

  • Sheriff: Garcia-Gutierrez had been in the Butler County jail eleven times before, under multiple aliases and DOBs. 
  • Garcia-Gutierrez also faces weapons and drug charges
  • Sheriff’s remarks show every state—including Ohio—is a border state


Sheriff Richard Jones: “If this isn’t a crisis, I don’t know what is.” 

From the Butler County Sheriff's Office


Every state a border state


A House Committee on Homeland Security factsheet says there were at least 2.4 million illegal border crossings in 2023 alone. Including 169 known terror suspects. Since President Biden took office, there have been 7.5 million border crossings, according to the House Committee. 


In addition to millions of unvetted, illegal immigrants crossing the border, the Biden Administration’s policy of flying migrants into the United States has drawn fire from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The policy has effectively made every state, including Ohio, as Garcia-Gutierrez’s rap sheet shows, a border state. 


Garcia-Gutierrez’s murder charge also highlights the limits of local government services, given he’d been in custody eleven times before. Even worse is the grave risk posed to Americans. Laken Riley, the slain UGA nursing student who lost her life to an illegal immigrant from Venezuela when he stalked, kidnapped, and killed her in February, was a tragic reminder of what’s at stake at the U.S. border.


Can local municipalities bear the burden?  


Riley’s killer, Jose Ibarra, is now demanding a jury trial. Meanwhile, illegal immigrants have been exploiting squatting laws. A recent raid on a New York home uncovered illegal immigrants from Venezuela squatting there with a store of guns, ammunition, and cocaine laced with ketamine. Among the group was a seven-year-old child. The border crisis highlights the extent to which municipalities across America are equipped with surges of unvetted illegal immigrants, associated crime, and the burden to social services, schools, and the criminal justice system. But more importantly, what are the government's obligations to its citizens in the face of a real threat to life and safety, as shown in the Hamilton murder and Laken Riley's killing?

Garcia-Gutierrez is currently held in the Butler County jail. Check out Sheriff Richard Jones’ full remarks here