
Illegal gets 12 months for kidnapping girl in Middletown, sex crimes

By on Apr 11, 2024

Every state a border state: human trafficking, sex crimes with minors, murder in Butler County

MIDDLETOWN—An illegal immigrant who kidnapped a 15-year-old girl in Middletown and committed sex crimes has been sentenced to 12 months in jail in Virginia. 

See the video from WDBJ in Roanoke


See more from Fox News.

BORDER CRISIS IN OHIO: What’s going on in Middletown?

Cruz’s abduction of the Honduran 15-year-old, with whom he was living in Middletown, and absconding to Virginia with her for sex, came just weeks before Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez, of Mexico,
shot and killed Fernando Oviedo. Garcia-Gutierrez had previously been deported seven times. 

Cruz also faces charges in Butler County.