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Sherrod Brown Refuses to Say Whether He Supports Biden Mass Amnesty Plan

By on Jun 19, 2024


Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) refused to say Tuesday whether he supports President Biden’s unpopular plan to offer mass amnesty to illegal immigrants. 


  • Biden’s current plan affects some 550,000 illegal immigrants

  • Amnesty is unpopular in an election where immigration will prove decisive: a majority of registered voters (62%) favor proposed mass deportations. 

  • More than half of Hispanic voters polled also favor deportations. 

  • Brown refused to answer reporters’ questions about Biden's amnesty plan.

Asked whether he would support the plan, which paves the way for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to gain citizenship, Brown was silent. Brown can be seen on camera looking away from a reporter asking whether he supported the plan. 

A CBS/YouGov poll shows the President’s plan is out of step with Americans, with 62% of registered voters favoring a plan that would deport millions of people in the country illegally. Strikingly, proposed mass deportations show widespread favor across ethnic groups, with more than 50% of Hispanic registered voters supporting measures to deport illegal immigrants.