
MAKRA: Bring America Back to Life Convention scheduled for March 7-8 in Independence

By on Feb 25, 2025

The fight to establish a culture of life from the moment of conception to natural death continues on in Ohio, and pro-life leaders from around the state and nation will converge once again for the annual Bring America Back to Life Convention in Independence, Ohio, on March 7-8.

In November of 2023, the pro-life community suffered a heartbreaking defeat when the voters passed Issue 1, and the so-called right to an abortion was enshrined into Ohio’s Constitution. Previously, Ohio had restricted abortions before six weeks; it was commonly referred to as The Heartbeat Bill. This new constitutional law prohibits all of those associated restrictions, along with any others, before what some consider “viability.”

Obviously, pro-life activists and leaders seek to have this amendment rescinded and, at the very least, have Ohio law return to the previous six-week ban.

Ohio. News reached out to Cleveland Right to Life Executive Director Kate Makra to ask her what she believes the path forward is for the pro-life cause in Ohio.

“This is a tough question. Unfortunately, there is no instant elixir to fix what happened when Issue 1 passed in November 2023,” Makra said. “It's going to take a lot of work to rid Ohio of the scourge of abortion, and it's not going to happen overnight. As the saying goes, 'Politics is downstream of culture.' So, before we can expect voters and legislators to support anti-abortion laws, we must do our part to educate and inform the citizens—not only about the gruesome reality of abortion but also about the fact that there is a lot of support available for women facing unexpected pregnancies.”

This changing of the culture is the expressed purpose of the Bring America Back to Life Convention, which year after year has committed to opposing abortion through grassroots efforts on a local, state, and national level through Prayer, Action, Voting, and Education.

This year will feature over 60 exhibitors showcasing various like-minded organizations and an impressive lineup of headline speakers, such as a former Planned Parenthood Director and now leading pro-life champion Abby Johnson. Abby travels across the globe, sharing her story, educating the public on pro-life issues, advocating for the unborn, and reaching out to abortion clinic staff who still work in the industry.

Also headlining the event is nationally known women’s rights proponent and 12-time All-American swimmer Riley Gaines. Riley has worked inexhaustibly to advocate for Title IX protection and defend women’s rights to single-sex spaces and equal opportunities. She has traveled the country speaking and has testified before the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and countless state legislatures.

Once again, the emcee of the convention is Cleveland radio personality and conservative firebrand, Bob Frantz.

“It has been my honor to play a small role in this incredibly inspiring event for the past several years,” Frantz told “No matter how much I think I know about the issues covered at this convention each year, I always learn so much more that I can then share with my radio audience. I truly believe Bring America Back to Life saves lives, and I am absolutely certain that it changes even more of them.”

 Makra told she is excited about everything she hopes will be accomplished by the end of the convention this year,

“Education has always been at the heart of Bringing America Back to Life, and as we have seen by the results of Issue 1, education on the issues of the sanctity of life and traditional marriage is sorely needed,” Makra said. “We work hard to bring in speakers who are experts in the fields of everything from medicine and politics to popular culture. The convention has grown every year in breadth and scope, and it is our hope that the folks who attend will take what they learn here and share it far and wide. The eventual result will be a society that respects all innocent human life, from conception to natural death, and recognizes that success depends on restoring the traditional family foundations.”

More information and registration for the Bring America Back to Life 2025 Convention are available online at

If your business is interested in sponsoring the convention, you may reach out to Kate Makra at [email protected].