
Lt. Gov. Husted dragged over COVID reversal

By on Jun 05, 2024

COLUMBUS—Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted has drawn fire over tweets criticizing Anthony Fauci’s discredited pandemic policies in a reversal for the Lieutenant Governor, who implemented mask mandates and lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Why it matters: 

  • Husted criticized Fauci’s now discredited “made up” mask and social distancing policies and widespread censorship of dissent.

  • Major reversal: Husted and DeWine fully supported the most stringent COVID-19 measures in 2020.

  • Political stakes: Husted’s reversal comes as the Lt. Gov. eyes a run for governor in 2026. 

The story: 

Husted tweeted, “During the pandemic Dr. Fauci created a climate where anybody who questioned him about the Wuhan lab theory or 6 feet apart was irresponsible. After today’s testimony, we now know that skepticism was warranted, the questions were valid and he knowingly misled people.”

Meanwhile, Husted supported Gov. Mike DeWine’s stringent mask and social distancing policies, even going so far as to issue travel warnings against Ohioans traveling to other states

Advocates criticized Husted for encouraging Ohioans to “snitch” on businesses during the lockdowns.


DeWine and Husted let controversial health adviser, Democrat Amy Acton drive strict lockdown policies before she stepped down later that year. Ohio was among the first states to lock down and prevent citizens from gathering in 2020; Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker swiftly followed DeWine’s lead. 


Fauci admitted in testimony before Congress this week that masking and social distancing policies “just appeared,” and had no scientific basis, stirring heated argument and drawing fire from Americans wanting accountability for policies implemented by state governments.

Fauci’s testimony Monday included an admission that masking children in schools had no scientific basis

Acton resigned in disgrace amidst the unpopular lockdowns and school closures. DeWine, on Acton’s guidance, was the first governor to order schools to shut down. 

 Meanwhile, the effects of masks on young children’s language acquisition and literacy have been significant. The New York Times called pandemic policies “the most damaging disruption” in the history of U.S. education. 

Political Fallout


Will Husted’s pandemic record factor into a potential gubernatorial run? Husted formed a campaign committee in 2023, suggesting his intent to run for Governor in 2026. 


The Lieutenant Governor’s comments criticizing Fauci on the heels of the discredited NIH director’s testimony and its fallout suggest Husted’s need to distance himself from pandemic era shutdowns and policies in eyeing the state’s top office. Whether accountability for pandemic policies is in reach remains to be seen, but elected officials will need to account for the legacy of 2020.