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BREAKING: Broad, bipartisan support for deportations of illegals

By Ohio.news on Apr 26, 2024

BREAKING: A new Axios/Harris poll reveals bipartisan support for mass deportations of illegal immigrants. 

  • Nearly half of democrats support mass deportations

  • Nearly 7 in 10 republicans support mass deportations

  • A full third of Gen Z favors toughest measures

Voters favorable to mass deportations

In a blow to the Biden Administration border policy that saw nearly eight million illegal immigrants cross the U.S. border, voters are supportive of former President Trump’s calls for mass deportations. 

The findings cast Democrats’ policy in harsh lighting, as Americans reveal support for strong measures reversing illegal immigration. 

Immigration, along with the economy, crippling inflation, and housing affordability are sure to drive the 2024 election cycle. 

Immigration is already a struggle for the Biden administration among Latinos, for instance,
with a significant share supporting the completion of a border wall

Parties Focusing on Everything, Except Immigration

The new Axios poll is a remarkable warning sign for Democrats, who have strikingly abandoned emphasis on jobs and the economy, focusing instead on DEI, immigration, and abortion. The results are a strong warning to Republicans as well, as House and Senate leadership has set its sights on continued funding for foreign wars, passing a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel without prioritizing the border in its agenda. 

Biden can’t Square the Circle in Michigan

Former President Trump now leads Biden in every swing state except Pennsylvania, where Biden leads by a narrow 0.4%. One Bloomberg poll shows Biden leading Michigan by two points, but Biden is in the difficult position of appeasing Michigan’s significant Muslim contingent on Israel, as disruptive, Pro-Hamas protests have rocked college campuses across the country.  

Can the President have his cake and eat it, too, as the Democratic party fractures over Israel-Palestine and, critically now, immigration?

Opportunity for Trump

The popularity of mass deportations across ages, demographics, and party affiliation could spell disaster for Democrats, as the former President’s proposed mass deportations show remarkable, cross-party and wide demographic support. Trump, who famously won over the Reagan Democrats in 2016, working class voters who swung to Reagan in 1980, could be poised to capitalize.  

Immigration key flashpoint

In any case, the results show immigration is here to stay as a driving issue among Americans, as they look to massive changes and security issues brought about by massive floods of illegal immigrants over the U.S. Southern border.