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Source: Media Intelligence Group

Recession Warning? Parents Taking on New Debt to Send Kids Back to School

By Media Intelligence Group on Aug 14, 2024

Viral tweets about parents who are unable to afford back-to-school supplies sparks conversations about economic issues, household finances, and school costs. MIG Reports shows parents are agitated and discussions are charged with political overtones in scrutinizing economic policies and their impacts.

These discussions come within larger debates and worries about inflation, household expenses, debt, and the results of political policies. Younger voters are especially worried about their financial prospects.

New Conversation, Same Problem

Voters continue to compare the Trump’s economy with the Biden-Harris economy. Discussions juxtapose memories of low inflation, cheap gas, and secure borders during Trump's presidency against complaints of high inflation, unaffordable gas prices, and open borders under Democrats. This matches recent trends blaming Joe Bide and Kamala Harris for two key policies:

  • The Inflation Reduction Act, which increases inflationary pressures
  • Open borders and unchecked migration harming American families

Voter engagement on economic topics confirms existing political schisms in sentiment. In general, Americans are dissatisfied with the economy, but causes and solutions are often determined by political beliefs. Nostalgia for past times is acute in conversations about living costs and financial insecurity for middle-class and working families.

Low Income, Low Expectations

People are talking about the financial burden placed on low-income families who cannot afford back-to-school expenses. Americans worry about the rising cost of essential items and the consequences for families already struggling to make ends meet.

Government allocation of resources being disproportionately directed toward illegal immigrants is a point of contention. U.S. citizens say welfare programs offer free housing, healthcare, and monthly stipends to people who should not even be in the country. This causes resentment as local communities continue to sink deeper into debt.

Voters blame to government saying things like, "Americans they put into tents with their policies suffer.” Many feel the Biden-Harris administration cares more about people who enter the country illegally than its own citizens.

Parents describe their struggles, lamenting the unaffordability of necessities like backpacks and school clothes. These expenses force many families into credit card debt just to buy school supplies. Sentiment in these discussions is predominantly negative, reflecting frustration and financial strain.

  • National Retail Federation data shows back-to-school costs for American families have increased from just under $700 in 2019 to nearly $900 in 2024.