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FOREIGN CASH in Ohio elections

By Ohio.news on Apr 01, 2024

Foreign Election Influence in Ohio: Was Issue 1 passed by European Billionaires?

State Senators: Ban foreign cash in Ohio elections

COLUMBUS—State Senators Theresa Gavarone and Rob McColley are drawing attention to foreign cash in Ohio ballot measures and elections with proposed legislation banning outside influence.  

  • Millions in funding from George Soros, Hansjorg Wyss and others flowing into Ohio elections

  • Issue 1’s Abortion protections bankrolled by foreign-backed groups in the millions

  • Soros’ 1630 Fund linked with Arabella Advisors, dark money in 2020 elections 

  • Related cases before the Ohio Supreme Court could open the door to noncitizens voting in Ohio elections

Senators Theresa Gavarone (R, District 2, Bowling Green) and Rob McColley (R, District 1, Napoleon) set their sights on more than $10 million in outside election cash in recent elections with House Bill 215. The legislation bans foreign cash and dark money groups in Ohio elections. The Senate passed the bill, which is now up for consideration in the Ohio House of Representatives. 

McColley on the Senate floor: “Are you against foreign influence in our elections, no matter what side it’s on, no matter where it’s coming from, and no matter where it gets spent, or are you not?”

Check out the full testimony here.

The 1630 Fund, among other Soros and Wyss entities, poured prodigious sums into Ohio’s Issue 1 campaign, ensuring abortion stayed on the ballot in a contentious midterm season in which Democrats desperately sought to prevent a widely anticipated “Red Wave” reaction to Biden’s blighted first term. 

Wyss-linked lawsuits and noncitizens voting in Ohio?

Jason Snead picked up the story at The Daily Caller

“Now, the foreign-funded left has its sights fixed on Ohio. Sixteen Thirty poured over $10 million into ballot measures last year, and is already one of the largest donors to a Michigan-style “independent” redistricting measure headed for the ballot this November.

Left-wing election lawyer Marc Elias, who has represented Wyss, is suing in the Ohio Supreme Court to advance another measure rewriting the Buckeye State’s voting laws. That initiative is so extreme that it even re-opens the door to non-citizen voting, something Ohioans just voted to ban.”

While Soros' and Wyss' dark money apparatus is pulling lawfare levers to engineer the electorate, and elections, to its liking, Gavarone's and McColley's legislation is up for review in the Ohio House. 

Should the legislation pass in the House, the onus will then be on Gov. Mike DeWine to sign before taking effect. 

Even if foreign money is banned in Ohio elections, Ohioans are still likely to hear from Soros. The Hungarian-born billionaire recently bought a “potentially controlling stake” in 220 radio stations, including four commercial stations in the Cleveland area: WDOK, WKRK-FM, WNCX, and WQAL.